Thursday 17 December 2015

Human Skeleton

As a task we were told to draw out the human skeleton and name the bones which is important to know when developing character designs knowing where the bones are ill be able to develop humanoid creatures to normal characters.

Here's my own sketches:

Saturday 12 December 2015

Dynamic form using 4 values

Using atmosphere perspective to reduce the contrast of objects as they get further away from the viewer, an technique that gives scale and distance which can been seen in real life and concept art.

The task was to colour in a silhouette using an hard end brush of colours provided.

 From here I painted over where the light would come from in direction of the robot.

The next step was to duplicate the image multiple times to create the perspective of the robots getting further away. Guide lines were given to help us form this.
The way  did this was differ the light levels of the robots to seem far away and following the guide lines I was able to create the perspective quite well.


This is what it looks like with the guides:
Over All thoughts:
I'm gad I've learnt this way of perspective as it will come in handy when developing concept art in the future projects. The task was very simple to do be when painting I found that starting from the silhouette then painting turned out to be a bit more tricky as I was thinking of different variations that could of been in the design.  

Friday 11 December 2015

Unity Progress

When I starting on Unity I came across the problem of the scale of the model I created in Maya so Scaling it down was my First Step so my First Person View wouldn't be distorted went walking around.

I gathered Feedback from Friends within the course and outside to get their opinions on what I could improve on to what was working in my game the main issue was the maze part of the game where it could be completed easy if you when only one way so I tried to develop it so the maze would be going it different direction but didn't work out the way I wanted it to go so I developed the facility part of the game to become more of an exploratory stage of the game where the player could interact with some parts of the environments.
Coding Problems:
When it came to Coding I had real problems getting the doors of the house to work due to them on being in the at (0,0) in Maya so developing them again in Maya then extracting them again for the code to work. Adding a Key to open a door caused a lot of problems such as not being able to pick it up when entering the box collider and written code didn't work due to writing errors.
I sorted my files to be placed on my USB but when I went back on unity I lost some of the data I had worked on then I found out that the files I moved shouldn't been removed so I had to remove the folder to return to the original state the end result was adding new code to the rotating doors and sliding doors unfortunately I rewrite the code for the key and door.


We were challenged with design and building a mushroom on Maya and texture it ourselves.

Here is the basic design and UV Map.

I colored the UV Snapshots to my own design.


Thursday 10 December 2015

New Idea.

During the process of creating my Battle Arena the file that I was working on had been corrupted so I had to start again so I chose I different design to my original idea where insead of having the arena inclosed with walls and have an oceanic landscape I made the decision to create the same concept of the original idea but have the building on a volcano to add to the peril of your enemy and lava.
The design of the structure will be of an ancient sacrificial site where the ancients used to make sacrifices to their Gods.
 Here's the basic layout of the arena where two levels separate each other from the mouth of the Volcano allowing the player to move around more freely and attack in different directions. the landscape is full of volcanic action to get the player triggered to want to attack each other.

Having Problems Texturing:
When texturing a problem kept on coming up where when I tried to drag on my textures to individual models it wouldn't happen, the way I sorted this was the export the model on my desktop then delete the model and import it again which worked fine. Due to my last file being corrupted I started the save it to my desktop and Hard Drive this lead me into another problem of when I had to load up the file and not having my textures show up in which was sorted by assigning the textures to one file on my hard drive rather than my Desktop and the had drive.

Screen Shots of the Battle Arena.

Here is the finished product in Maya completely textured and waiting for me to export it into Unity.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Speed Painting Face.

Todays lesson was about how to paint quickly of a concept portrait of an old lady, this would allow our skills to develop further in speed painting which is important to thoughs who want to develop further in to the practice.


To start off I developed the basic shapes of the head hair and body trying to match the proportions of the example given, when I was happy I began to paint over the light and dark tones of the character to be able to blend together the tones to create a similar drawing to this. I slowly started to add detail to the image to where everything connects proportionate to the original image.

Final image.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Progress on Maya Screen Shots

These Screen Shots show the basic layout of my Game from the house to the underground base.

Ive Noted down where the Spawn Point to the Ending of the Game to show what you the player must go through to reach the ending.
When on unity I will be adding lighting to great a better environment as well doors in the facility to make the players journey more difficult when trying to move through the game.



Saturday 5 December 2015

Life Drawing Part 1

Here are some examples of my life drawing studies.
Slowly getting better every session.


Thursday 3 December 2015


We were given the task of design a frog that has some humanistic features. The purpose of this was that we need to have some idea of how to develop an animal into an human without taking anyway the essence of the creature.
 Examples of frogs:



I tried to come up with some ideas that kept the frogs basic structure in without making it human all of the except the last one which I decided on trying to develop it as a human but with a frogs head because I need to understand that the design wasn't going to work out as well.

For my final design I took the bigger frog and created it with an eye patch wanting it to have some sort of past which ended up losing his eye, for me I wanted him to stand to as a crime boos or something like that as he's rather large so me thinking that due to his size he'll able a good choice for making him like that.

Overall I kind struggled on the designing apart coz for a while I couldn't think of how to develop him into a human so I decide to make them have some humanistic instead of completely humanized.


We were challenged with the task of developing our own tank where we would base it on how light would reflect off it casting a shadow in which had to be doe correctly.

Here is my mind map of different forms of tanks:


I designed this form from being inspired by the designs of tanks that had legs instead of tracks as a way of movement while developing a the older style of body from the older generation where the middle is smaller allowing for a faster mobility.