Tuesday 22 March 2016

Sci Fi ships

Brief: Design and produce for the next two weeks wither a transport ship or fighter craft within the next 100 years with reliability.

To develop my ideas I developed two Mood Boards one for modern and past vehicles another one from film and TV of Sci Fi vehicles.

To get influenced with an artists work I chose to use of Ralph Mcquarrie who's work on the original Star Wars films influenced generations of audiences as well concept artists.

I designed some vehicles in mind of different environments similar to what Mcquarrie has done for his work on Star Wars.

My Designs:
As you can see I went into this project in mind of different shapes and sizes and function from transport vehicle of war to a mini sub and space adventure creating aerodynamic and non-aero dynamic shapes.
I painted the designs to form the ideas of how they would look like for when I choose one to texture over and I can change it later if need.

The next stage was to model the design I chosen to develop further in 3D where I would produce a couple of renders that exhibiting some harsh lighting to make the ship a lot more exquisite.


I chose a render as of the same angle of the design I chose because it was easy to develop using quick painting, I wanted to use different shades of grey to develop a old looking ship design as I thought being in space would take its toll on the craft.

Overall I did enjoy the developed this mini project as I liked the designs I put in but when choosing the one design I really had to think about it as I know that I'm not the best at 3D modeling so choosing the right design was important. the painting part was not so bad as I use the same techniques that I use when painting the concept designs.

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