Monday 7 March 2016


We have been given the task of developing a tree with character that conveys the environment and atmosphere around it.
To start off the project I looked into trees that have unusual environments in the real world and how that can changes the way we see it. This is where I got interested into studying the different environments in which I could put my creation in.

I really like the idea of a tree on a cliff face due to producing a sort of loneliness and survival so I came up with some ideas that could link into this and some that could bring out a story within its self.
I also started to study the shape of tree in which could tell a story on its own so I looked in to films and TV shows where a tree is a key factor that connects to the plot, for example the willow tree in Harry Potter plays an important part as a transport system and guard while in the TV show Hannibal a smaller tree is used as decoration for a Serial Killer.

When developing my final idea it took time in development on what should be rocks to what I believed should stay as grass but in the end I'm really pleased on what I've done to complete it.
what I wanted to show is the loneliness of the tree in the middle of know where.

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