Sunday 25 October 2015

Creating Lava And Lava Creature

In class we were shown different ways of producing lava . We produced an example on a pic given to use to basically fill in the gaps o the rock to what we think exposed lava will form.

This is the example we worked on in the lesson.
Producing a black background really helps the showing of exposed lava in the rocks.

Inspirational imagery.

I came up with a few ideas of rock positions and heads.

My Process on development:
I developed the design of my creature from the rocks studies that I have looked at creating odd edges and uneven scale of body parts.
I then created a dark grey scale for the creature as well shadows to develop it further.
I started to render the rock image together with dark colours for the lava to stand out more.
As seen below I painted on the lava where the cracks of the creatures body to show the exposed lava flowing around the body. At the end I placed a black background on to the character for audiences eyes to be captured around the lava of the body.

The Final Out Come.

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