Sunday, 11 October 2015

Visual Arts Creating a game.

What I  looked into is the film cabin in the woods where a lonely cabin in the middle of a forest is but underneath everything lies a secret organization.
Mod board:
One sheet.
The guide of what I'm basing my game on.
Story Board.
I drew out a basic template of what the story of the game will be like.


Map plan.
This is the layout of the sequence of gameplay that I will be making for my game.
These images show the inside layout of the house the corridor down towards the facility where its built like a maze. What I want to produce is a dirty old house on ground level while lying underneath is this pristine white and clean facility.


1 comment:

  1. You have the core of something good here, but I think you need to flesh out the One Sheet more. You refer to the players character trying to impress their boss, but how and why? Are they a reporter? You don't say currently. Good collection of reference, creation of maps and storyboard though. A good start.
